Los días 11, 12 y 13 de Marzo se celebró en el embalse de Cijara una de las competiciones más esperadas por todos los amantes de la pesca del Black Bass y de la competición: la SIBASS.
Los días 11, 12 y 13 de Marzo se celebró en el embalse de Cijara una de las competiciones más esperadas por todos los amantes de la pesca del Black Bass y de la competición: la SIBASS.
Esta semana santa he podido volver a las costas onubenses con la intención de sacar algunos de sus peces desde mi nuevo pato The Sikkario.
Una de las decisiones más difíciles es la de adquirir el primer equipo para pescar atunes con señuelos artificiales, ya sean de superficie o jigs.
Perfect imitation of a shrimp, with natural colours and a highly realistic movement. Thanks to its neutral balance (suspending) it can be worked in the desired areas.
Floating slim with a smooth, extremely streamlined shape which, together with its large internal ball weight transfer system, guarantees superior casting distances.
This totally life-like, articulated swimbait is a powerful tool when fishing for pike and large, wary bass.
The first element to meet the eye is the stunning state-of-the-art lurecraft. CHIPPIE is one of the lures inspired directly by nature.
The magnificent design qualities of this lipless include a Diamond shaped paddle on the tail, considerably increasing its power of attraction, thanks to its vibrations.
Most anglers have been looking for this spinnerbait for long! And now it is here!! Heavy weight, long casting capacity and ready to swim 3 to 6 meters deep.
A jointed swim-bait with a ultra lifelike appearance and swimming action. This is a lure which is tremendously attractive to pike, bass and large trout, as well as proving highly tempting to s